I've spent the past few days looking around at the little things, trying to figure it out what it is that gives me hope today (or yesterday, etc.). I know I said I wanted to post pics as much as I could but the thing that is giving me hope right now is too large to post pictures of. Its my friends.
The past 2 days I've spent time with some of the people I love most. Wednesday night I had the opportunity to go to do with the the one and only PSL! Let me tell you - I love this woman! After talking to her, somehow the world felt right again. I never feel judged and I feel as though I can share my heart and be honest about where I am. And let's be honest, where I am hasn't been good. She calmly looked at me and said, "It's ok but you know you can't stay there very long!" She's right, I can't! So I've been trying to take to heart what she's said and look at my life with thanksgiving instead of anger! Not sure I'm there yet but I'm trying.
Last night (Thursday) I got to have dinner with my friend Emily & her husband. It was nice to see them again because it's been a few weeks. She's also the friend who's taught me how to knit. Its been a lot of fun spending a few hours at a time with her learning new things but mostly she fixes my mistakes! Maybe I'll post a picture of the hat from hell...I've started this hat 4x and am still not finished with it - thank God for Emily because she was able to salvage it! Jenna came by as well so we had a good time chatting, watching TV and giving William a hard time.
As I was processing through the last couple of days, I realized friends are what give me hope. They are the ones that lift me up when I'm feeling down, that love me in spite of myself, and share all the joys and pain with me. They are the ones that make it worth pushing through the hard times. So to all my friends, thanks for being there and for giving me hope!
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