Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome to My Blog

The past few years have been really difficult, in particular the last 6-9 months.  I've found myself letting the drama of every day life get me down and dictating how I respond to others and situations.  I've decided that its time for me to stop allowing things and people to dictate my joy or lack thereof.  I want to look at my life and find something each day that means something specific to me or meaningful to me in some way. 

Now ideally that would mean I blog every day but lets be honest....that probably won't happen and then I'd be depressed because I failed on my resolution.  Oh did I mention this was one of my resolutions? I have a friend who does a great job of blogging and she said to me, "well you realize this means you have to keep up with it?"  I laughed and said of course so here goes.

The other day I was with my sister and wanted a she suggested french fries from McDonald's.  When we got them, they were fresh & perfectly salted and with an ice cold Diet Coke...well how could you go wrong?  I realized then that sometimes it's the little things in life that make a difference.  This was the thing that gave me the most joy that day.

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