Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Linsdsey!!

So this post is about a week and a half late but...better late than never right?  I remember clearly the day Lindsey was born.  I'd moved back to Illinois in September and had been living with my sister and her husband for a few months - translation: I needed to move out once Lindsey was born.  That day was pretty was a Saturday and we were hanging out at home.  Troy brought lunch home and then he left to do some errands.  Lisa was in labor and thought he'd be back but it went very quickly and he barely made it in time.  I remember holding her for the first time - she had lots of dark hair and I thought she was the cutest thing ever!!  Unfortunately, I don't have any of those photos on my computer but trust me when I say she was darling!

Lindsey has always been such a little girly girl and yet she's a tomboy as well!  She loves dressing up, make-up, clothes, etc.  She's definitely a princess.  She has a sweet spirit and loves to be in the limelight but not in an obnoxious way!  She can also be very quiet and you often find her in her room or somewhere in a quiet room reading!

A few years ago, I started a what has since become a birthday tradition with Lindsey.  She came to spend the night.  The next day we went to breakfast and then I gave her some money and we went shopping.  She got to buy whatever she wanted that day.  We also had to stop for Starbucks somewhere in there and then back to shopping.  We've done that for the past few years and are planning to do it again this year.  I look forward to that time because you never quite know what she's going to say or do.

I look forward to continuing to see Lindsey grow up and see the young woman she will turn into.  I love this child and am proud to be her aunt!  Here's a picture of Lindsey from her birthday party!


  1. I love this post! Lindsey and I went on a walk when I got home from work tonight and we were just talking about different things and she had some very mature observations on certain things. I have loved every stage with her but I'm really enjoying this stage! Although I do think back to that day and miss that stage too!

  2. Aw! What a great tradition. I do just love Lindsey. She is a super sweet kid. And very mature as well. :)
